Microwave Innovations defines Munitions Telemetry (MT) as products that are typically used in:

  • Mobile / Fixed Position Artillery
  • Propelled Rifle and Tank Rounds
  • Rocket Artillery
  • Surface to Air System
  • Mortar Fired Ordnance
  • Rail Guns
  • Naval Mounted Guns

Microwave Innovations MT products include the full range of TM Kit components including transmitters, receivers, encoders, and antennas, either individually or as a complete systems assembly.  MI has a long history of design for munitions high-shock environments and their unique mechanical and performance requirements.

Microwave Innovations regularly designs its MT products to support over 50,000 G’s of shock in its transmitters and supporting components. These products are designed to fit efficiently and easily within the designated delivery system, and are used daily at many of the nation’s leading test facilities and US Arsenal Centers.  MI is the go-to partner in engineering where telemetry is required. Legacy systems or new production grade products and systems are equally supported.

Microwave Innovations transmitters can support data rates from a few kbps up to 10 Mbps and feature built-in encoders providing, as an example, 16 channels of encoded data, 8 digital and 8 analog inputs plus 1 serial input.  Whether it is supporting a short-term critically fast turn-around design and test program or full long-term production support, your needs can be met.

In addition to the many models and performance features available, MI transmitters, receivers, and supporting MT products can meet all of the typical MT telemetry environments including temperature, vibration, shock, humidity, EMI/EMC, and HALT/HASS testing.  Program & Test requirements that are often supported for our customers include Preliminary & Critical Design Reviews, Test Reviews, and First Articles.

MT Munitions Telemetry Data Sheet

Tactical MT Kit Data Sheet