45th Space Wing (AFSPC) Acceptance of United Launch Alliance (ULA) GPS Tracking System for Atlas V and Delta IV. Microwave Innovations congratulates the ULA team and all its supporting suppliers on the GPS Metric Tracking System (MTS) program and best wishes to all a long and successful future.

Per AFSPCMAN 91-710, the requirements for each Launch Vehicle (LV) based tracking source are documented in a version of RCC-324 tailored by 45th Wing Safety and the LV Owner., The ULA GPS Receiver and S-Band Transmitter system have demonstrated full compliance with the tailored RCC-324. Compliance was determined via extensive laboratory testing and three certification flights (two at CCAFS and one at VAFB). The 45th Wing Range Safety group now accepts the ULA GPS as a valid Atlas V and Delta IV tracking

For more information on the GPS MTS and its supporting MI S-Band BPSK transmitter contact: info@mi-telemetry.com.